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Preliminary Due Diligence: all yields figured low and rounded down; costs figured high and rounded up
⦁ More than a dozen insufficient properties were visited, vetted and/or tested; then passed on in 2013 and early 2014
⦁ This up and running, turnkey, subdivided site has been identified; with the yields, water rights, extant permits, climate, season, accessibility, ecological congruence, workforce, site logistics and other criteria requisite to building a sustainable, cash flowing, profitable venture; operation runs 24/7, 5-6 months/year with three 12 hour crews rotating 2 weeks on - 1 week off

Property: this profitable operation shows immense financial potential while remaining ecologically friendly

⦁ The Broad Valley receives coveted sunlight late into the day and season, a Salmon Stream runs through the entire valley

⦁ This land is truly multi-purpose and in a prime location to serve the growing demand for luxury fly-in resort development building on the success of Princess Cruise Line's $60,000,000 Princess McKinley Lodge

Situated in a pristine valley, this zoned and subdivided 377.2 acres with an airstrip is currently producing over 1000 ounces of Gold per year and is able to be reclaimed quickly after being methodically and efficiently 'harvested'. An additional 284.7 private acres (not subdivided) and 440 acres of viable claims are also included in the package. This land, coupled with planned plant expansion will conservatively provide 2,000 ounce per year potential over the coming decades.



"Since the last glacier melted out of the valley, Cache Creek and its tributaries have been down cutting new deep channels where the placer minerals have been concentrated"   - Jim Halloran AIPG Geologist #3665

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